Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New York's Worst Restaurants

There is a competition going on for the unhealthiest places to eat in NYC. The winner will get a ton of butter and 5000 quarts of lard and a medal for causing the most heart attacks in one month.

Let's meet the contestants:

1. Crumbs Bake Shop

Not one low fat or no fat item in the whole store!

2. Any Jewish Deli

Enjoy your pastrami while you may and head for the nearest hospital!

 3. Papaya King

More for hot dogs than Papaya and they have the gall to talk about the health giving properties of Papaya.

4. McDonald's

Leader in pink slime and French Fries. Mr. Mcdonald would roll over in his grave!

5. Any place that serves hot dogs.

 I won't tell you what's in them but it will turn your stomachs and give you a fast coronary!

6. Any French restaurant

Try the pate if you hate geese and want a short life and love to see a poor  animal force fed!

7. All steak houses

Watch the slaughtering of the frightened animals…enjoy your meal!!

Have your own favorite worst restaurant in NYC? Your nominations are welcome!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Wechsler Announces 2012 Presidential Campaign Platform

Platform of Presidential Candidate Stuart Wechsler, nominee of the the Party Party (also known as the Know Everything Party, formerly the Know Nothing Party):

1) No taxes for anybody.
2) Free ice cream and French fries for everybody.
3) Free rides on any Coney Island attractions.
4) No solicitations for your sisters, that's not nice. (Unless you get a fair percentage of the price!)
5) Lower the voting age to 3.
6) Lower the driving age to 6 months of age.
7) A chicken in every pot.
8) Foreign policy: First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin. (Per foreign policy adviser Leonard Cohen.)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Wechsler 2012 announces new cabinet members

Stuart Wechsler announced today that, if elected president, he will bring in the following to his administration:

Pee Wee Herman: as Director of Vice

Ricky Snow Arbron as Director of Family Relationships

Petra Zakrajsek: Director of Slovenian Affairs

Jim Bergman: Director of Directors

Wechsler 2012: The endorsements are in!

The Wechsler for President Campaign announces it has gained the endorsements of the following:

Rush Limbaugh
John Edwards's mistress, Rielle Hunter
Newt Gingrich
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
Vladimir Putin
Caesar Chavez
Bashar al-Assad.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Stuart Wechsler Announces Candidacy for President

Mitt Romney is surely an "empty suit." If you check my previous blog on politicians, you'll know how I feel about them in general. Not principled politicians like Chuck Schumer, Barney Frank, and a minority of others. But it's not all bad to have a flip-flopper in an empty suit. After all, who but a few would want Romney to really commit to a Tea Party agenda and be unwilling to modify it if he's in office? The president in office has to deal with the realities as they exist. First of all, he's got to be elected. In general, we are lucky to be saved from the true believers like Rick Santorum and Ron Paul. It would be fun to imagine exactly what would happen if this country were run by a screwball like Ron Paul. Or a demented Rick Santorum. Franklin Roosevelt in his second term espoused a cut-government-spending program which led us straight into a depression cured only by World War II. Great men must be ready to change their minds as was even Albert Einstein.

Maybe a health care bill will protect the health costs of the masses. Even Obama, whom I much admire, is acting quite differently than as said forth before he was elected. What about the promises regarding Guantanamo? What about the promise to get the troops out of Afghanistan? What about his acceptance of a drone program which he criticized during his presidential campaign? Was he playing to the potential voters or did he change his mind after assuming the terrible responsibility of a president?

I say Stuart Wechsler for President. John Edwards, that paragon of virtue, for Vice President. I promise to create a new agency of Dog Catcher and appoint Sarah Palin to run it as Secretary of Dog Catching. The Secretary of State might be Ron Paul. Rush Limbaugh as Press Secretary.

'Nuff said for today!

Comments very welcome. The best comment will receive appointment as Secretary of Defense!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012