Thursday, March 15, 2012

Great Reads

I have enjoyed the following two books and am passing on my thoughts as to each. 

The biography of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson is the fascinating story of the rather bizarre Steve Jobs from barefoot boy who rarely bathed to the head of the world’s biggest company, Apple. It is little known that Jobs was not a particularly good engineer, but he had an indefinable something which this book elucidates. It’s a book that shows the important part that serendipity plays in our lives. It is extraordinarily well-researched and written, and great fun to read for whatever message one takes from it. For example, there are many ways to get to the top, not necessarily by being “the best.” How many know that Jobs rarely bathed, wandered around barefoot with robes while deeply involved with Zen Buddhism? Having been abandoned by his father, he in turn abandoned his daughter. Kind of an interesting psychological puzzle.

Another great read is The Good and the Ghastly by James Boice. Esquire magazine reviewed the book saying  that it was a great book. It is the tale of one Junior Alvarez’s striving to become a great man of power and prestige in 34th century American society where Visa is king, and the interactions between the people living in that era.

What great books have you read lately?

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