Thursday, March 8, 2012


Politicians are not held in great regard by the public, and for good reason. The public statements by politicians are not at all their opinions and are spoken or written only to get votes.  Aside from this grotesque picture of the average politician who tempers his/her views to whatever he/she thinks the voters want he/she is a prisoner of our supposedly democratic country. What counts is who pays the freight. Obviously, a politician who is able to run a campaign (and campaigns cost lots of money) seeks support from special interests. In order to get elected and reelected the politician must pander to them. To make it worse, the recent Supreme Court decision which opened the doors to unlimited financial support for candidates is shameful.

Those who believe that “the law is the law” should understand how “the law" works. Take the Bush/Gore 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court. It just so happens that the five judges who voted were the right wing of the court. The law is what the judges say it is. When a judge says the law is the law is the law, does that mean it's true?
No matter how you slice it, Gore got the majority of votes cast (excluding Ralph Nader)—while the absurd farce of using electoral votes led to the election of minority president George W. Bush. The farce of a decision by a kangaroo court resulted in the election of George Bush and the most disastrous foreign policy in American history. We are now and will always be suffering the consequences of this Supreme Court decision and the election of a dumb-dumb. We also owe the Supreme Court for the curse of the King of Waterboarding and the man behind the throne, Dick Chaney, whose only virtue was the support of gays not the least of reasons was for this was the fact that his daughter was gay.

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