Friday, March 9, 2012

Only in New York

Today I was walking along Park Avenue and noticed something strange in a black limousine. Its windows were closed. The driver was inside the limousine. I looked more closely and noticed that he was playing a trumpet. No one could hear it because the windows were closed…..ONLY IN NEW YORK!

I was told a story today about "New York's Finest," the NYPD. A friend of mine was walking with his wife on Lafayette Street in lower Manhattan. He noticed that someone was breaking into cars. The thief seeing a couple pulled out a pistol, loaded it, and pointed it at the couple. They ducked around the corner and called the police. The police showed up quickly in a police car. The couple pointed out the direction in which the thief was going. The police, as efficiently as one might expect from the NYPD, turned to the police car to get in and make the chase, but–-believe it or not–-the police had locked themselves out of their car. It could've been a Jim Carrey film; but it wasn't. …..ONLY IN NEW YORK!

At 5 o'clock in the morning I looked out my window on 93rd St. and noticed an old lady with 5 massive plastic bags filled with cans and bottles scouring the garbage. As if this were not strange enough, there was a man several feet away from her, also with massive plastic bags who appeared to be competing with her for the best garbage…. ONLY IN NEW YORK!

To be continued....

Have your own Only in New York situation? Please share it in the comments!

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